Unified Logging
Unified logging is concerned with the logging of multi threaded processes within NetBackup or, as a general rule of thumb, those processes which begin with nb rather than bp. The processes which begin with bp, such as bpcd, are from the Backup Plus days and are single threaded with the verbosity of the logging controlled by settings within the bp.conf file.
Unified logging was introduced in NetBackup version 6 and is controlled by settings in the /usr/openv/netbackup/nblog.conf fil. Care must be taking when changing the logging levels as some of the processes will generate a large volume of logs especially when the DebugLevel is increased.
To view the default settings in the /usr/openv/netbackup/nblog.conf
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/vxlogcfg -l -p nb -o Default
When querying the unified logs the production id for NetBackup can either be specified as nb or 51216
To change the default logging levels for the unified processes to the highest level of 6 for both the diagnostic and debug levels use
# vxlogcfg -p nb -a -o Default -s DiagnosticLevel=6 -s DebugLevel=6
To turn the unified logging off
# vxlogcfg -p nb -a -o Default -s DiagnosticLevel=0 -s DebugLevel=0
The logging levels for Individual processes can be amended by specifying the individual originator ID. Therefore, to change the logging level for EMM, the command would be
# vxlogcfg -p nb -a -o 116 -s DiagnosticLevel=6 -s DebugLevel=3
To view all unified logging errors for the past 30 minutes
vxlogview -p nb -L -E -t 00:30:00
In addition to searching for errors, there are additional criticality levels which can be specified :
-C : critical
-E : error
-F : info
-M : emergency
-W : warning
To view all critical messages related to the nbemm process for the past 1 hour
# vxlogview -p nb -o 111 -L -C -t 01:00:00
The relevant vxlog can be tailed while data is being written to it with the -S option. To tail the nbjm log in real time
# vxlogview -n pb -o 117 -S
It is possible to view all of the unified logging related to one particular job with the vxlogview command. This can be helpful when troubleshooting a job failure which may be related to a unified logging process
# vxlogview -p nb -d all -X "jobid=<jobid>"
A quick way of view all the log files for a particular originator ID is to run the vxlogview command within the relevant log directory specified with the -G option. To view all the logging available for the nbemm process
# vxlogview -G /usr/openv/logs/nbemm
It is possible to specify a start and end time for displaying the logs, the date format may change depend on the local in use. To confirm the date format which is being used check the output from one of the previous vxlogview commands. The date format will be the same as the date shown in the first field of the vxlogview output
# vxlogview -p nb -o 118 -b '23/10/2019 01:00:00 PM' -e '23/10/2019 06:00:00 PM'
Using the -G flag it is possible to view the unified logs in the current directory without specifying an OID
# vxlogview -p nb -G . -b '23/10/2019 01:00:00 PM' -e '23/10/2019 06:00:00 PM'
PBX logging is also in the unified format. To view the pbx logging from the past 12 hours
# vxlogview -p 50936 -o 103 -t 12:00:00
The unified logs can be deleted with vxlogmgr.
To delete all log files except the most recent logfile for all originator ids use the -F flag
# vxlogmgr -F
To delete all logfiles I favour turning the logging off before deleting the log files with the -d 0 option. Once the logfiles are deleted then the logging level can be set to that required. The default settings are 6 for the diagnostic level and 1 for the debug level.
# vxlogcfg -p nb -a -o ALL -s DiagnosticLevel=0 -s DebugLevel=0
# vxlogmgr -d 0