Data Domain : OST
DDBoost is EMC's implementation of Veritas's Open Storage API. OST compatability enables NetBackup to take advantage of the capabilities of the storage array enabling NetBackup to use features such as optimized duplication virtual synthetic backups. Steps must be performed on both the data domain unit and NetBackup before the storage can be used.
The first step is to create a user for ddboost authentication and assign it to ddboost
# user add <username> -role user -min-days-between-change 0 -max-days-between-change 99999
The password should be set to expire far into the future as if the account were to become disabled then no backups could be written to the data domain via the user account.
After the user account has been created it can then be assigned to OST
# ddboost user assign <username>
Next, create the ddboost storage unit
# ddboost storage-unit create <storageunit_name> user <ost_username>
Download the ddboost plugin from the EMC support site and install it onto all the hosts which will require access to the data domain.
Installation of the plugin can be verified by running
# bpstsinfo -pi
Once the data domain configuration has been completed on the unit the configuration can be completed within NetBackup
# ddboost storage-unit create <storageunit_name> user <ost_username>
A single data domain will be registered as a storage server within NetBackup.
# nbdevconfig -creatests -storage_server <data_domain_hostname> -media_server <name_of_media_server> -stype DataDomain -st 9
The ost user credentials from the data domain need to be added to NetBackupto allow authentication against the stroage server
# tpconfig -add -storage_server <data_domain_hostname> -stype DataDomain -sts_user_id <ost_username> -password <ost_password>
Confirmation that the media server has visibility of the storage server can be obtained via the command
# tpconfig -dsh
Confirmation that the media server has visibility of the storage server can be obtained via the command
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig -previewdv -stype DataDomain -storage_server<data_domain_hostname> /tmp/dvlist.out
The /tmp/dvlist.out file can be edited and if there are other volumes in the file which are not to be configured they can be deleted from the file. Once the file contains the correct volume(s) the relevant disk pools can be created
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevconfig -createdp -dp <name_of_disk_pool> -stype DataDomain -storage_server <data_domain_hostname> -dvlist list
The disk pool becomes available as a backup target after creation once it is added to a storage unit.
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpstuadd -label <storage_unit_name> -dp <name_of_diskpool> -odo 1 -host <media_server_hostname> -cj <num_of_concurrent_jobs>
After the storage unit has been created , it can be added to a backup backup policy and tested